Diğer Gezi Planları
Tag 118.07.2025Freitag
Castel Nuovo
MuseumMedieval fortress with 5 towers & a Renaissance triumphal arch, plus civic art museum & chapel.
Royal Palace of Naples
Museum17th century palace with period furnishings, a home theatre & lavish ballroom restored after war.
Galleria Borbonica
MuseumPiazza del Plebiscito
SehenswertPedestrianized landmark square with equestrian statues, home to the neo-classical Royal Palace.
4 Setzt
Tag 219.07.2025Samstag
Underground Naples
MuseumTours of underground tunnels used as everything from Roman aqueducts to WWII air-raid shelters.
Sansevero Chapel Museum
MuseumChapel remodeled by Prince Raimondo di Sangro of Sansevero to house sculptures of veiled figures.
2 Setzt
Tag 320.07.2025Sonntag
Catacombs of San Gennaro
MuseumGuided tours offered in a subterranean Christian cemetery built in the 2nd & 4th centuries.
Catacombe di San Gaudioso
Kirche3rd-century catacombs with early Christian wall paintings & mosaics. Guided tours available.
Naples view
Sehenswert3 Setzt